Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Glossary Unit 3

Come in: to enter

Thick: heavy, not easily poured

Put out = extinguish

Break out: to begin or arise suddenly

Collapse: to fall, crumble suddenly

Trapped: an unpleasant situation from witch it is difficult to escape

Pipes: a tube or cylinder of metal or other material, used for carruing water, gas...

Murder: the unlawful killing of a person, especially when done deliberately

Attorney: a person legally appointed or empowered to act for another

Mugger: a person who mugs, especially one who assaults a person in order to rob him or her.

Burglar: a person who commits burglary; housebreaker

Hooligan: a  ruffian or hoodlum.

Hijacker: who takes control of a vehicle by force

Handcuffs: a metal ring that can be locked around a prisoner's wrist